The Wealthy Barber’s David Chilton: Author, Speaker, Success

I had the pleasure today speaking to David Chilton, author of The Wealthy Barber, and The Wealthy Barber Returns.  He is currently on tour promoting his latest book.  For those individuals trying to make sense of the financial world, these two books are must reads! David has a way of translating complicated financial scenarios into simple, plain english with a humorous approach.  Best of Luck, David, on your tour! The Wealthy Barber Returns has already hit number one for personal finance on Here are the links to his two phenomenally funny, entertaining and enlightening financial books:

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Howling Wind

Personally, when the wind howls, I love it!  It gives me a very powerful feeling especially on the days when I am writing the scary parts in book two of the Paige Maddison series. It enables me to feel connected to something more powerful than the self.  It’s a writer’s dream! Awwwoooooo. Bring it on!

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Effigy Design: True Talent

Forever indebted, I am, Adam Dagenais of Effigy Design. It is not often that a writer describes one’s work with the expectation that the artist can conceptualize the written word into a graphic design. It is a gift that you possess and I am thankful for you and that my husband, Kevin, referred me to you for my ebook cover.  Gracias, merci beaucoup and thank you, Adam.  It was wonderful working with you – you made it easy.  I will be contacting you for the next cover. Count on it!

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Website Review

Well, I’ll be.  The stats are in on my website and I wanted to personally thank all of the site viewers over the past year.  4,235 unique visitors stop by and read my website, daily.  PHEW. It may not be a lot to some people, but to me it is.  I am genuinely grateful. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy lives to see what Lee Bice-Matheson has to say and for your continued support to keep me writing. 🙂 We are having a lot of snowfall today in Ontario; it is a glorious day!

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Thank you to all of the loyal readers of Paige Maddison’s journey in the first book in a series, entitled Wake Me Up Inside.  It means a great deal to me for a first time author that readers have found my novella in the midst of the flood of ebooks this past year.  It just amazes me.  I also want to thank my sister Lynn, my editor,  who is in a joint venture with me on re-launching this ebook with a new editorial approach and re-design of the cover. Some of you may know that my sister Cindy did the original cover: a sketch of O’Brien Manor and the estate, and I love it!  It is with her blessing that I am co-designing a new cover but will have the estate sketch in each of the ebooks of Paige Maddison’s journeys.  In short, I am announcing this today so readers will STOP buying the ebook until it is relaunched in June of this year, 2012.  In the meantime, I am halfway through book two and am totally engrossed in it.  Many authors really just write to entertain themselves and hope someone will enjoy it too and maybe pass on a few helpful hints along the way. Happy Family Day fellow Ontarians! 🙂 We will be with our son on this long weekend celebrating family.

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Human Frailty

As a writer, one must experience life in order to interpret situations within a frame of reference.  But sometimes life has a way of reminding us, again, just how precious life is. For those subscribers to my feed you may remember when our son was mugged in Montreal. It is a cosmopolitan city and probably that’s what our son and even us love about it.  However, in big cities there is always the chance of more violent crimes. We still love Montreal – it’s full of culture and history and wonderful people.  However, last Friday night as our son was out at a bar with friends, someone slipped a new street drug into his drink.  I cannot explain well enough the journey he had that night but he ended up in the hospital with cuts on his hands and face and a deep gash on his writing hand – bad enough to have stitches.  While he cannot remember anything after two drinks, it is pretty obvious it happened not long after he arrived at the bar.  This is a WARNING once again.  To all of the university and college students that feel they are invincible – think again.  Just for a moment, imagine not remembering the night at all, and waking up in a hospital with an IV drip and electrodes all over your body, not knowing what happened.  Our son survived the night but not without two hospital stays and is still in a lot of pain.  A gang tried out a new street drug and the doctors could not detect what it was.  Nice.  Never, ever, leave your drink unattended wherever you may be and if you do, ask for a new one.  It’s worth the extra cost!  We are forever grateful he has survived these two violent crimes! Always go out in a group of friends that you trust and never ever remain behind if they leave.

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Only the famous physicist and chemist, Marie Curie, said it best: “Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.”  2012 seems to be the year for remembering this enlightened quote and can be applied to every facet of the sciences.

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La Roux and Kanye West

Every writer has their inspiration and mine seems to be music.  It’s not the words sometimes as much as the beat of the song.  However, I do love In for the Kill by La Roux featuring Kanye West and I’ll tell you why.  It was a brilliant partnership similar to Michael Jackson with Vincent Price (may they rest in peace), both Kings – one of Pop+ one of Horror, in the song Thriller.  If you’ve ever seen a Vincent Price movie, you’ll know what I mean.  Kanye sounds like a modern day Vincent Price – oh yeah!  Thank you to both Kanye and La Roux for making a great modern day horror song. 🙂

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Miracles Do Happen

As a follow up to yesterday’s post, Mr. Leonard Cohen’s contact emailed me within twelve hours to forward information on the request for reprinting words from one of his songs. It’s a wonderful world we live in.  Just reach out and ask and you may receive what you need. Bonne chance.

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The Writer’s Life

I figured out what I love about this lifestyle, other than the writing of course, are the fantastic and interesting people I have the privilege of meeting and conversing with.  Today, I had an awesome appointment with a fellow that is re-designing the book cover to Wake Me Up Inside. After rambling on about the story line, he looked at me and said rather excitedly ‘How cool’.  He’s come up with a great design (which will be revealed in April or thereabouts) and was on the same page with my thoughts on the cover and when that happens, it’s magic.  Thank you to the artist.  On another note, I spoke with the famous John Robert Colombo who is engaging and soon to read my ebook and perhaps review it depending on his thoughts.  Let’s cross our fingers that he likes it! 🙂 And lastly, I am trying to contact Leonard Cohen, a fellow Canadian, musician and singer/songwriter.  I want to include one of his amazing songs in my next ebook.  So if you live in California and you happen to run into him, could you please ask him to return the email from fellow Canadian Lee Bice-Matheson?  I’d really appreciate it! 🙂 Many do not know this but I work with my husband in our Clinic and the people that I get to speak with there are awesome;  each and every one of them!  I do warn them that they may end up as fodder for my books. And lastly  I didn’t want to do it, I have succumbed to Twitter and it’s pretty cool.  I have several followers which is kind but no one seems to answer the question ‘DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS?’ If you want to join in on a worldwide conversation, look me up under BiceMatheson or on  Thank you!

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