Mother’s Day Weekend

For those of you who have lost your Mother, this post is for you.  I lost my Mom 7 years ago and always remember her on this special weekend:  Since Mom went away, it seems she’s nearer than before – – I cannot touch her hand and yet she’s with me more and more… And years have never lessened the longing in my heart That came the day I realized that we must dwell apart – – And just as long as memory lives My Mom cannot die, for in my heart she’s living still, As passing years go by.  I do not know the author of this lovely poem but it was written on a card to me, from a friend, and has given me peace along the way.  Happy Mother’s Day to all!  Remember to celebrate this occasion as our Mother would want us to!  Celebrate our children, celebrate our moms, celebrate ourselves!  🙂

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Supermoon, Saturday, May 5th

Now we’re talking!  This is what every writer of ghost stories, or other genres, anticipate.  I’m not sure if you’ve noticed or not, but have you experienced the people around you as a bit more excitable, negative or off the wall?  NASA says there is no correlation between the full moon and human behaviour.  However, ask your local pharmacist, ER Doctor, or observe people you hang out with.  To me the full moon represents a special time to get outdoors and take in its beauty.  A Supermoon is when the moon is closest to the Earth.  And coupled with a full moon, it will appear brighter than most.  NASA says it will be most noticeable when the moon is closest to the horizon.  Go outside and see this magnificent sight!  It happens once a year.

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The Question in 2012: Is there Life After Death, not, Is the World going to End?

I realize my blog takes twists and turns and I really wanted to thank those subscribers who remain loyal.  It really depends on what I’m researching for my books as to my content, but it will never be revealed on my blog as it is written in to what I’m currently writing about.  For those of you who were interested in my blog on Dr Daryl Bem, this post may tweak your curiousity.  Perhaps you’ve heard of Bertrand Russell who wrote  a book, c1957, entitled Why I am Not a Christian.  Basically, he claims that once our body and brain die, that is all there is.  However, a Montreal neurosurgeon named Mario Beauregard, wrote a book c2007 entitled The Spiritual Brain.  He claims, from a neuroscientist’s point of view, that the soul does exist beyond the physical body’s death.  In fact, he is insisting on a new scientific framework for studying our existence:  life, death and the nature of the soul.  In addition, Ervin Laszlo, c2004, wrote Science and the Akashic Field:  An Integral Theory of Everything.  He states that we have an ‘energybody’ that is an integral part of the planet’s etheric body.   Though ‘consciousness’ is not fully understood at this point, it does not vanish when the function of the brain or body cease.  And finally, Tom Harpur, c2011, wrote a book entitled There is Life After Death supporting this theory.  It is his article in our local Packet and Times that brought this to my attention.  Thank you Mr. Harpur!  Something for us all to ponder, analyze, research, or talk about at our next family function.

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Dick Clark

I grew up watching Dick Clark’s TV dance show called American Bandstand.  My two sisters and I would dance through the entire show, copying the moves of the teens dancing their feet off.  We would laugh! Did you know he was a pioneer in introducing African American performers, and others, to teen audiences around the world?  🙂 I am saddened that Mr. Clark died, albeit he was 82 years old.  But, too young in my eyes.  What will we do for New Year’s Rockin’ Eve this year?  Rest in Peace, Dick Clark.

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Friday the 13th

Friggatriskaidekaphobia!  It causes panic attacks.  No I am not swearing at you!  It means the fear of Friday the 13th.  There is a lot of discussion on exactly where does this superstition come from.  It can be founded perhaps in religious references – Christ was crucified on a Friday, King Philip IV of France had the Knights Templar arrested on Friday, Oct. 13, 1307, Ancient Romans weren’t huge fans of 13 either believing that witches gathered in groups of 12, and a 13th person joining them would be the devil.   For me, personally, I have only had the best of luck on Friday the 13th.  I was offered a most prestigious job, received two of my highest raises on the 13th, and always wake up happy and refreshed on this day.  Hmmm….  Living from fear and superstition is an unhappy road to travel.  I choose not to live in fear but from a place of love.  It makes the world seem much more miraculous.  But please allow me to digress –  I was not always like this.  After my parents died, nine months apart, I became reclusive, questioning why they had to die and so close to each other, why didn’t friends or family step up and provide support to me or my family, is there life after death?   Now that’s another huge topic, but in the midst of my wallowing, I decided to pick myself up and bought a Havanese puppy for our family.  It was the best thing I have ever done.  Named by our son, Justin, ‘Kobi’ is the Diminutive of Jacob meaning “may God protect” and boy has H/he opened our hearts.  We looked at friends and family differently, we laughed and communicated with one another more constructively.  Living from fear only causes pain – that I can attest to.  It’s figuring out what to do about it for yourself and others around you that make you a survivor.  How will I enjoy Friday the 13th?  Writing, laughing, feeling grateful for everyone and everything in my life, and perhaps, watching the old movies entitled Friday the 13th, c1980.  I grew up on them. 🙂

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Gators and Crocs

This last series of videos ends my research phase, for now, as I buckle down to continue writing the second book in the Paige Maddison Series.  My husband and I drove to Palmdale, Florida to a gator farm named Gatorama.  If you are ever in the area, it’s well worth the time spent!  Awesome to observe these magnificent, ancient, creatures.

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Where is Stephen King?

Apparently, Stephen King was invited to the First Annual Venice Florida International Book Fair & Writers Festival today.  His name is included in the Venice Gulf Coast Living, April 2012 issue.  However, as luck would have it, Stephen was unable to committ to this well organized day.  Or, did he attend as a guest?  Authors such as Senator Bob Graham were giving seminars on how to publish, how they became published and attendees were given the opportunity to mingle and buy their books, signed no less.  Oh well.  Perhaps, Mr. King will attend the Second Annual Book Fair next year and I will be among the authors mingling with guests.

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Stephen King

Okay, wish me luck!  We are going to Stephen King’s beach here in sunny Florida.  I hope to catch him on his daily ten or so mile hike.  Enjoying the beautiful scenery, the people, and the wildlife.  We saw a gator farm with hundreds of gators and crocs.  I’ll be posting the videos on youtube next week. 🙂

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Muskoka Wildlife Centre

For those of you who have been following my blog, you will know that we recently moved to Orillia, Canada, about seventeen months ago.  It was our mission to move further north to fresher air and to enjoy the outdoors.  We have done many hikes as a family, from the Hana trail in Maui, to the trails of Cinque Terre, Italy, and now, central Ontario.  However, we had no idea just how many wilderness centres there are.  We had the pleasure of visiting the Muskoka Wildlife Centre last weekend.  It was great!  Most of the larger animals are kept outside in fenced off areas, meaning they had lots of room to move, from the black bear named Kootenay, to Eve, a gray wolf, two female moose, and two porcupines and many more!  Now Kootenay was rather playful and lives in the same area as Kokanee, a mountain lion.  Every time Kokanee walked past Kootenay, he would swipe at his ‘brother’ to invite him to play.  Kokanee ignored him, so Kootenay would lie on his back and scratch his white spotted belly.  It was priceless!  I’m afraid the moose were quite a distance away and uninterested in humans as they had their backs to us.  Eve, a gray wolf, actually trotted over when I whistled to her and she came quite close to the fence.  She is beautiful with thick, white hair.  I’m sure one of her trainers must whistle to her.  And then, we saw Quillber, an american porcupine, who did the ‘dance’.  It’s a mating dance Quillber should be doing to his female mate who was hiding in a cave.  It was the funniest thing we have ever seen – he pulled himself up along the fence and perched on his hind legs, and swayed back and forth – for several minutes, I might add.  I will never forget the sight of Quillber – he needs to be on TV.  Oh, did I mention some of these animals have been?  The female moose, named Chocolate, starred in a movie with Gene Hackman and Ray Romano, called Welcome to Mooseport, c2004.  If you are in the area, this wildlife centre is a must see!  I am off now for two weeks investigating alligators and crocs.  I hope I don’t get a bite!  My book Wake Me Up Inside is at FriesenPress and starting it’s journey into print.  Stay tuned!

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eBooks, In Print Books

After carefully listening to the feedback from many readers, and potential buyers, of my ebook entitled Wake Me Up Inside, I have decided to self publish and put ‘the little book that could’ into ebook and soft & hard cover books.  I was completely surprised by the number of people that asked me when will it go ‘in print’.  The revised edition will be available through FriesenPress in June of this year!  Just in time for summer reading.  Fantastic!  The little book that could, now can!  I hope many readers will enjoy Paige’s journey.  It will haunt you for sure!  Thank you to all for your support in this process.

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