The Horror in Me

I am often asked, “How does a nice, polite person like you write horror?”  In response, I  smile and say, “Easily.”  Ha ha.  Remembering back to my childhood, I read every new ghost, witch or vampire story I could get my hands on – whether short stories or novels.  The librarian on the bookmobile (for those who don’t know what that is – think of a small mobile home) that visited our school bi-weekly, would hide the most recent for me.  She would wait until all of the other kids had returned to class and would call me back to present the latest in horror!  I was delighted.  My parents would not let me watch Creature Features which usually aired on a Friday or Saturday night, around eight or nine o’clock, but lucky for me in our area, it aired on Saturday afternoons on WKBD, channel 50.  I found it because it came on after the traditional Saturday morning cartoons, which I never missed.  So, I begged and begged until one day they gave in.  Horror movies with Vincent Price, Lon Chaney Sr, Boris Karloff or Oliver Reed captured my imagination and excitement!  But for me, it was never about the vampire movies.  Ghosts and monsters were my fascination.  In my first ebook, Conall, an evil character, laughs, “Aaahahahahahahaha”.  And I can only hope that the readers will picture it much like Vincent Price’s laughter at the end of the music video for Michael Jackson’s Thriller!

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