With the super ‘supermoon’ happening this weekend, and energy abounding, what better weekend to write about ghosts?! There are many forces at work and if you have strange dreams, don’t panic. It’s all that energy swirling about in our atmosphere. I am honoured to be able to write books and have had some opinions on book two already. My editor says it’s too fast paced and I must slow down Paige’s experiences. Okay, I will try to do that. Those who are connected to consciousness know that things happen quickly. What would take hours to describe, takes a minute to convey to us humans. It’s an interesting life for sure and I hope you celebrate your life on this Summer Solstice weekend
Summer Solstice and Ghosts
Book Two in the Paige Maddison Series
I just received the poster size cover of book two in the Paige Maddison Series. It’s a piece of art, thanks to Adam Dagenais of Effigy Design. Thank you Adam! The only thing I can share is a partial view. Readers are going to love it!
Can you guess what this is?
The Mind is a Beautiful Thing
It’s all about the mind. It can reveal beautiful visions, scary dreams, trick us, or reveal the truth. In my life, I look for the truth in friendships, family, relationships, and experiences. Sometimes, it’s difficult and downright agonizing to accept the truth. And for a fiction writer, who creates an imaginary fantasy world, somewhere within my work lies my truth. You have to search for it, feel it and recognize it. That’s why I am a writer. I became sick of the lies, deception, manipulation and injury people can cause each other. Just look at the news! Although my husband and I often won’t watch it because of the wars, mass murders, bullying, torturing, and negativity that people will do to each other. It’s our job as a writer to look at the truth of what’s happening in the world and somehow translate that into our writing. It may not be obvious, it may be quite subtle but that’s the bottom line for me.
When Paige Maddison fights against evil, she’s representing every person in the world who has had to fight for something in the name of goodness. She has a positive outcome while she personally suffers from negative energy.
I just received another fantastic review from a reader who ‘loved’ Wake Me Up Inside.

First public reading of Wake Me Up Inside held in the teen section of the Orillia Public Library. I read for 35 minutes and no one left the room! Followed by many questions. It was this author’s dream come true 🙂 Thank you to all who attended.
And while I sit at my computer writing book two in the Paige Maddison Series, the review makes me smile. I write what I feel in my mind and in my heart – emotions that people can relate to. Anyone who has lost a family member, been estranged from family, or felt they had to fight a battle alone are the people for whom I created Paige Maddison. She is highly energized, intuitive, selfless, passionate, strong-willed and is pure of heart.
I am often intrigued by so many readers who ‘see’ the story between the lines in this book. I wrote it for you! Paige is human, has flaws and sometimes loses her way but in the end she knows what she must do to make things right. She’s a hero and I am proud that in my mind, I created her.
Thank you to the readers who are still contacting me about book one in the Paige Maddison Series called Wake Me Up Inside. Although I have not been actively marketing this book (taboo in the world of an author) there are many who are still finding their way to her story. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Ghosts in the House
I am in the midst of re-writing Book Two in the Paige Maddison series. It’s been an extremely lively time creating Paige’s world and once in awhile I wonder if there are ghostly spirits hovering over my shoulder as I write. Come on! I write about ghosts. What did you expect? This is the most energized time in the world of a writer. It’s like entering a bubble wherein the O’Brien Estate can be seen and watch as Paige moves about battling against evil. This book has taken a twist that readers will not see coming. I promise to provide an entertaining sequel to Wake Me Up Inside that readers cannot put down. I have had many fans of Paige Maddison say just that about the first book. Word of warning – do not read alone or late at night. You do not know who will be hovering over your shoulder. 🙂