We’re so proud of you Justin Matheson, aka J.R. Matheson. Congratulations on winning the prestigious Romet Award from The University of Toronto, Pharmacology Department.
Our son, J. R. Matheson, is happy in his PhD Pharmacology at the University of Toronto. He works very hard and works on weekends. J.R. is also my coauthor of the Paige Maddison Series for two bestselling novels: Destiny’s Gate, Book 2, was #8 on the Apple ibookstore for paid books for 8 consecutive weeks + Shine Your Light, Book 3, was in the Top 100 Bestseller on Amazon.com

Shine Your Light moved up and down the Top 100 Bestseller List on Amazon.com for our paperback when released. Five weeks in total. More than the expected 3 weeks for a new novel. Thank you to our supporters of the Paige Maddison Series.
and listed 1 behind Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Saga when released.

Mom-Son coauthors at our first book signing, Manticore Books, for Shine Your Light, Book 3, Paige Maddison Series. Photo courtesy of Frank Matys, Orillia Today

We were amazed to see this on Amazon.com when Shine Your Light was released in November, 2016. #2 Hot New Release for 5 weeks running.

Our novel, Shine Your Light, is highlighted here on Amazon.com with Stephenie Meyer’s new release. Unbelievable to us. It’s for our paperback edition.
It also hit #2 Hot New Release for 5 weeks running. It’s outstanding news J.R. Matheson won the prestigious Romet Award based upon his body of work in the Paige Maddison Series. This is a prestigious award with a monetary reward. Congratulations, J.R.! Your dad and I couldn’t be prouder! Keep going.
Here is information on the Romet Award:
Dr. Malle Jurima-Romet Award
The Dr. Malle Jurima-Romet Award was created to honour the memory of Dr. Malle Jurima-Romet, an outstanding Ph.D. graduate of our Department who balanced her scientific training with a passion for music and the arts. Following her Ph.D. training in drug metabolism and pharmacogenetics, Malle enjoyed a successful career in research and executive positions with Health Canada, Phoenix International, MDS Pharma Services, and Celerion. She was also a talented administrator, devoting her time and expertise to the Society of Toxicology of Canada for many years.
The value of the award in 2017 is $2,000 and is meant to offset costs associated with extracurricular pursuits in the arts by a graduate student in our Department. The award may be renewable for up to three years. To qualify, applicants must be a full-time Canadian graduate student enrolled in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. Applicants will be considered on the basis of academic excellence and extracurricular pursuits in the arts, described and documented in a short essay (maximum length 3 pages double-spaced) submitted to the Graduate Office.
The award will be presented at VIP on May 16. 2017 Award Winner: Justin Matheson / http://www.pharmtox.utoronto.ca/news-events-departmental-awards
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